Total distance: 2277 nautical miles
Ports: Ft Lauderdale, Nassau, St. Maarten, Tortola,
Half Moon Cay
Average speeds: 15, 21, 12, 20, 21 nautical miles
Max speed: 23 knots
Temperatures: 84, 86, 90, 80, 84
5 diesels generators (3x16,000hp + 2x12,000hp)
1 gas turbine (18,000hp) total: 84,000hp
Fuel consumption:
diesel: 216 tons/day = 57,000 gallons
gas: 90 tons/day (200,000 gallons)
Water production: 1,700 tons/day (450,000 gallons)
Water consumption: 750 tons/day (200,000 gallons)
Ports: Ft Lauderdale, Nassau, St. Maarten, Tortola,
Half Moon Cay
Average speeds: 15, 21, 12, 20, 21 nautical miles
Max speed: 23 knots
Temperatures: 84, 86, 90, 80, 84
5 diesels generators (3x16,000hp + 2x12,000hp)
1 gas turbine (18,000hp) total: 84,000hp
Fuel consumption:
diesel: 216 tons/day = 57,000 gallons
gas: 90 tons/day (200,000 gallons)
Water production: 1,700 tons/day (450,000 gallons)
Water consumption: 750 tons/day (200,000 gallons)
If you are looking for a travel vacation and donít want the monotonous hotels, maybe you are looking for cruises instead. You donít have to worry about the car rental either. You can just board cheap flights and take off with the cruise itself.
Labels: westerdam
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