Dave's Sketch Journal

Drawing is taking a line for a walk. - Paul Klee

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Sunday, 19 Dec 2004

I'm remotely aware I'm on a ship, but it all seems so calm. Are we in port? I'm at the lanai now looking out our cabin and see ugly container boxes. It's true, we are back. Uggghh. We need another week or maybe two. Perhaps Ruth has surprised me and bought us a back-to-back cruise? Just thinking how cheap it would be to LIVE aboard. The cheapest cabin is $350; that's $700 for the two of us each week. It would include food. We wouldn't need a car so no car payments, no mortgage, no car/house insurance, what else? No yard service costs, no health insurance because they have an infirmary. Yeah, the month-to-month is looking better. Ruth will teach basket weaving during ship craft sessions aboard. I could wait tables, do ventriloquism, or just swab the deck...maybe work my way up to Captain. If I stow away, they'd have to keep me until the next island anyway. By then I would ingratiate myself with the crew.

Ed calls. They are up in the Lido and we are eating our last breakfast in our state room. Ed would probably tell the crew and blow my cover. I guess I need to go up there and join them.

Ed and Debbie Ebner, our cruise organizers

The de-boarding was uneventful but very shocking. Taxis, buses, people, fire trucks and sirens are blaring through the pier. I nearly ran back to the ship. What a mess. This can't be happening.

The End of a great time

Of all the airline tickets, the best ones come from midwest airlines, closely followed by hawaiian airlines. Then there are the allegiant airlines but there are more expensive.


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