Dave's Sketch Journal

Drawing is taking a line for a walk. - Paul Klee

Single carryon + handbag

Just weighed the main bag. It's 18 lbs. Not bad. The hand bag is 15 lbs. So total I have 33 lbs of gear for a month in China. Some of the stuff in the bags:

Notebook computer
Nikon D70, 12-24 & 55 macro lens
Day pack
Fanny pack
Three changes of clothes (jeans/cargo pants, shirts, wicking socks and t-shirts)
Northface waterproof jacket
Columbia fleece zippered jacket
Air activated hand warmers
Cables, chargers, etc.
Coffee cup press
1 lb of Italian Roast Starbucks coffee
Some disposable chopsticks
Books, reading material
Moleskine reloaded for sketching (made it a couple of weeks ago)
Moleskine reporter plain
Seven pens, six watercolor pencils, watercolor travel set, water brush
4x6 blank cards, 4x6 watercolor paper cards
Chinese dictionary
Chinese phrase book
iPod Nano
Snacks for the 15 hour plane ride
Gum (for going up and coming down)

That's what's in my bag(s). I hope I make it to the gate.

Which reminds very little of a conversation I overheard on a plane:

"Sir would you like me to put your bag in the overhead bin?"

"Nah, she can sit next to me this time."


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