Dave's Sketch Journal

Drawing is taking a line for a walk. - Paul Klee

woolen slippers

China yarn
The custom of removing your shoes when you enter a home was not hard for us to get used to. It's the same custom in Hawaii where we lived for 15 years. The difference here is that the host always provides warm slippers for their guests in the winder. So in our entryway we have a stack of multi-colored plastic and cotton slippers. In Hawaii we just go barefoot in the homes. The floors are usually wood or tile and this cools the body in the hot climate.

But earlier this week in Yunnan it dropped to 55 degrees. The floors are concrete (there is no carpet) and there are no portable heaters in the apartment. In fact, the building has no forced air heat. It's never provided in China. Most Chinese feel that an environment that is too warm is bad for the body. And yet, you can't get ice anywhere in China. They say that cold ice will ruin your stomach. Go figure. There is no altering their view on this. Trust me.

wool slippers
Anyway a friend crocheted some woolen slippers for me. I can wear them around the apartment and bring them with me when I visit friends.

We do have a heating blanket we found in the closet. We put that on the bed. So I'm here typing into this blog while propped against pillows, with socks, slippers and the heating blanket set to five.  I also drink lots of coffee and tea.

Trouble is, I have another month or so to go!

I hope the sun comes out soon.

Hospitality means making your guests feel at home, even when you wish they were.

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