Dave's Sketch Journal

Drawing is taking a line for a walk. - Paul Klee

Reading on the Kindle 3

KindleScreensavers25Love the Kindle 3. What a fantastic invention.

I've been following Amazon's Kindle 1 and 2 for sometime but the 3 is where it's at.

I now have about 120 books in it and still have lots of space to spare. I've loaded 36 free classics from gutenberg.org like The Complete Works of Sherlock Homes by Arthur Conan Doyle, Roughing It by Mark Twain, etc. And I've loaded other books I found either free or cheep at Amazon.

KindleScreensavers00Also, using Calibre (for the Mac) I load CNN, Mac World, Life Hacker, and other newspapers and magazines weekly from the net.

Of course, the best use of the Kindle for me is loading my own books. I've crafted 13 reference works from encyclopedias and websites. Now I can carry them with me. (I'm always waiting for someone, somewhere, sometime.) I usually wait at a bus stop, on my moped, or at a park. Sure, I'd rather sit in a comfy chair with a window behind me but, well, what can I say, that's all behind me now.

KindleScreensavers14My reading appetite is insatiable, no, worse, it's ravenous. I read everywhere and anywhere I can. Having my books with me and sharing what I've learned with other people is now so convenient.

I've also loaded several Chinese reference works into the Kindle. (There is a special sequence you'll need to follow if you want the Kindle to display Chinese correctly for you. See below for details.)

KindleScreensavers19When the Kindle goes to sleep, it displays one of about 22 images that Amazon loaded in the memory. I got tired of them and decided to load my own. There's a hack you can run on your Kindle (breaking the warrantee however) that'll let you load whatever 600x800 images you want, your kids, your pictures, your sketches, drawings, whatever.

So the big choice for me was: What do I want for my own Kindle screen savers? Photographs or sketches? I couldn't decide. So I loaded 12 of each. I alternated them so that when the Kindle goes to sleep it cycles through the photo and then the sketch.

KindleScreensavers06What could be better? Photos, sketches, & books.  How about a strong cup of coffee and a biscotti?

"Ruth!  Where's the chocolate biscottis?"  (She actually makes them herself! They are awesome.)

When I fly I always go first class. Not the whole way, just until they kick me out. -Pauly Shore

Further information:

Other eBook sites:
Cheep books at Amazon

Get Dave's Custom Kindle Screen Savers for your Kindle.

If you want to see Chinese characters on your device, do the following:
  1. Home > Menu > Search
  2. Then type the following into the search box:
  3. ;debugOn (the little arrow key above the Home button)
  4. ~changeLocale zh-CN 
  5. ;debugOff 
  6. Restart your Kindle


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