We've been enjoying homemade yogurt daily.
We buy mango from the street vendor and put it in the fridge overnight. Meanwhile we place the kefir in milk and within 24 hours we are ready to mix the two.
Wow! It's like eating ice cream, only healthier. The good news is, if you have problems with your digestion or are lactose intolerant, you'll have no problems with homemade yogurt. Staying healthy is our number one concern here in China. Eating as often as we can at home is our secret. We know what's in the stuff.
Easy steps to make your own
The way to start making your own yogurt is to simply get some kefir from a friend. Place it in a medium jar and pour in fresh milk, preferably non-homogenized. Cover the jar with a paper towel and set it aside. (We put ours on top of the frige.) Twenty four hours later it's ready.
Pour the yogurt through a large sieve (we use a large soup ladle) to catch the kefir. Set it aside and reuse. The kefir will grow surprisingly fast. We stared with a dime-sized amount and now it's about the size of a half-dollar.
What else have we made?
We've made our own pickles and hot sauce. The hot sauce is wonderful. And both are super easy to do, especially the pickles.
The problem here is that buying these things at the local store is not possible. We have to travel to the foreigner's store to get some of these things. So making our own stuff is not only cheaper but a time saver.
Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. -Albert Einstein
Labels: food
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